




Some people spend more time reading books, while others prefer to watch TV. The former group is more likely to develop creative imaginations and have a better grasp of language skills. Do you agree or disagree?


论据:1. 看书需要imaginary capabilities,可以strengthen creative thinking。看电视头脑会变傻掉。

2. 阅读会明显提高一个人的文字能力以及逻辑思维能力。电视则可能起到反作用,由于现代很多电视节目过于娱乐化,大量不规则语言的使用会扰乱观众的语言能力。

3. 反方观点:电视节目信息量大,有益于大脑的锻炼和启发。反驳:看法片面,没有说服力。


Lately, there has been a hot debate on the development of creative imaginations and language skills. Some people argue spending more time reading books can effectively enhance the just mentioned capabilities while others hold watching TV can do better. Personally speaking, I wholeheartedly support the idea of the first group of people.

First of all, reading enforces readers with strengthened creative thinking abilities by enlightening them of imaginary skills. When one reads a book, what he must do is to form an image out of nowhere to complete the whole story and understand the plot better. People can hardly understand the core spirit by merely looking at abstract words. A book can be only appreciated when all the characters and the storyline are put into details by human brains. Under this circumstance, the people who read can obtain a higher level of imagination.

Secondly, during reading, one’s capability of understanding words in the text form is significantly improved due to the simple reason that everything a novel or a book as a learning tool attempts to deliver is in literal codes. A book can be never enjoyed without relevantly strong language skills.

Admittedly, some claim that television programs can provide much more abundant visual and audio information which can exercise the brain to a larger extent than merely words from publications. However, they ignore the very fact that talk shows and entertainment programs utilize a large number of irregular forms of languages with slangs that only serve the viewers with a degraded language. Additionally, the people who watch TV get used to being lazy without thinking since vast information can automatically flow into their senses.

All in all, above points have shown that it is crystal clear reading on a regular basis is the only way for the masses to improve their linguistic skills as well as the efficiency of their brains. It is of utmost importance for everyone of us to form a habit of reading so as to lift our overall quality.




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